Vous êtes ici : Page d'accueil > Fantasy > Cycle Romans Fantasy > Les Chroniques de St Mary > An Argumentation of Historians

An Argumentation of Historians

Tome 9 du cycle : Les Chroniques de St Mary
ISBN : 978-159780934-4
Catégorie : Aucune
Auteur/Autrice : Taylor Jodi

From Tudor England to the burning city of Persepolis, from a medieval St. Mary’s under siege to Victorian Rushford and a very nasty case of gaol fever, Max is struggling to keep her private life intact. There’s an ambitious programme hindered by giant teapots, plus Mrs. Midgely’s objection to dead hamsters in her airing cupboard, and Mr. Markham’s stubborn refusal to reveal his exact marital status. 
And as if that’s not enough―the unfortunately not leprosy-laden Malcolm Halcombe is back. Admittedly, none of this is the most secure platform from which to launch an initiative to bring down the renegade Clive Ronan, but hey―what’s the worst that could happen ?

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