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Le sommaire de “Under the Moons of Mars”

Par Gillossen, le vendredi 29 juillet 2011 à 13:57:47

CouvertureNous avions évoqué cette anthologie en mai dernier.
Aujourd'hui, la voilà qui change de titre et dévoile son sommaire complet de même que sa couverture. Under the Moons of Mars: New Adventures on Barsoom est attendu pour février 2012, en langue anglaise, bien évidemment... Espérons que l'hommage à l'égard d'Edgar Rice Burroughs soit réussi !

  • Foreword by Tamora Pierce
  • Introduction by John Joseph Adams
  • The Metal Men of Mars by Joe R. Lansdale
  • Illustrated by Gregory Manchess
  • Three Deaths by David Barr Kirtley
  • Illustrated by Charles Vess
  • The Ape-Man of Mars by Peter S. Beagle
  • Illustrated by Jeremy Bastian
  • A Tinker of Warhoon by Tobias S. Buckell
  • Illustrated by Chrissie Zullo
  • Vengeance of Mars by Robin Wasserman
  • Illustrated by Misako Rocks
  • Woola’s Song by Theodora Goss
  • Illlustrated by Joe Sutphin
  • The River Gods of Mars by Austin Grossman
  • Illustrated by Meinert Hansen
  • The Bronze Man of Mars by L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
  • Illustrated by Tom Daly
  • A Game of Mars by Genevieve Valentine
  • Illustrated by Molly Crabapple
  • Sidekick of Mars by Garth Nix
  • Illustrated by Mike Cavallaro
  • The Ghost of the Superstition Mountains by Chris Claremont
  • Illustrated by John Picacio
  • The Jasoom Project by S. M. Stirling
  • Illustrated by Jeff Carlisle
  • Coming of Age in Barsoom by Catherynne M. Valente
  • Illustrated by Michael Wm. Kaluta
  • The Death Song of Dwar Guntha by Jonathan Maberry
  • Illustrated by Daren Bader
  • Appendix: A Barsoomian Gazetteer, or, Who’s Who and What’s What on Mars by Richard A. Lupoff

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