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Une nouvelle couverture pour Locke Lamora 3

Par Gillossen, le lundi 24 mai 2010 à 17:03:10

CouvertureVoici la couverture anglaise du prochain tome des aventures de Locke Lamora, The Republic of Thieves, attendu depuis des mois et des mois maintenant.
L'éditeur Gollancz l'a désormais officiellement dévoilée. Le roman est attendu pour le premier trimestre 2011, à tout le moins en VO. On espère que Scott Lynch reviendra pour l'occasion au meilleur de sa forme, bien entendu !
Au passage, voici le rappel du synopsis officiel, toujours le même, et toujours en anglais...

After their adventures on the high seas, Locke and Jean are brought back to earth with a thump. Jean is mourning the loss of his lover and Locke must live with the fallout of crossing the all-powerful magical assassins the Bonds Magi. It is a fall-out that will pit both men against Locke's own long lost love. Sabetha is Locke's childhood sweetheart, the love of Locke's life and now it is time for them to meet again. Employed on different sides of a vicious dispute between factions of the Bonds Sabetha has just one goal - to destroy Locke for ever. The Gentleman Bastard sequence has become a literary sensation in fantasy circles and now, with the third book, Scott Lynch is set to seal that success.

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