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Songs of the Dying Earth chez ActuSF

Par Merwin Tonnel, le mardi 28 août 2012 à 18:19:07

Songs of the Dying EarthPour fêter les 96 ans de Jack Vance, les éditions ActuSF viennent aujourd'hui d'annoncer avoir acquis les droits pour publier l'anthologie Songs of the Dying Earth.
Chapeauté par George R.R. Martin et Gardner Dozois, ce recueil contient 22 nouvelles qui rendent d'hommage au cycle de la Terre Mourante de Jack Vance. Parmi les auteurs présents au sommaire, Neil Gaiman, Dan Simmons, George R.R. Martin, Glen Cook, Tanith Lee, Robert Silverberg ou encore Tad Williams. Bref, du beau monde.
L'édition française sera découpée en 3 volumes et le premier tome sortira au premier semestre 2013.

Pour rappel, voici le sommaire de l'édition originale :

"Thank you, Mr. Vance" by Dean R. Koontz

"Preface" by Jack Vance

"The True Vintage of Erzuine Thale" by Robert Silverberg

"Grolion of Almery" by Matthew Hughes

"The Copsy Door" by Terry Dowling

"Caulk the Witch-chaser" by Liz Williams

"Inescapable" by Mike Resnick

"Abrizonde" by Walter Jon Williams

"The Traditions of Karzh" by Paula Volsky

"The Final Quest of the Wizard Sarnod" by Jeff VanderMeer

"The Green Bird" by Kage Baker

"The Last Golden Thread" by Phyllis Eisenstein

"An Incident in Uskvosk" by Elizabeth Moon

"Sylgarmo's Proclamation" by Lucius Shepard

"The Lamentably Comical Tragedy (or The Laughingly Tragic Comedy) of Lixal Laqavee" by Tad Williams

"Guyal the Curator" by John C. Wright

"The Good Magician" by Glen Cook

"The Return of the Fire Witch" by Elizabeth Hand

"The Collegeum of Mauge" by Byron Tetrick

"Evillo the Uncunning" by Tanith Lee

"The Guiding Nose of Ulfänt Banderōz" by Dan Simmons

"Frogskin Cap" by Howard Waldrop

"A Night at the Tarn House" by George R. R. Martin

"An Invocation of Incuriosity" by Neil Gaiman

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