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Le prochain Pierre Pevel se précise

Par Gillossen, le 30 mars 2012 à 14:44

Haut RoyaumeEn faisant un petit tour sur la nouvelle page des droits des éditions Bragelonne à l'international...
On peut découvrir, pour le coup, un synopsis (en anglais donc...) plutôt précis de la prochaine série de l'auteur des Lames du Cardinal, avec également, au passage, une couverture (sans doute pas définitive), le titre du premier tome (Le Chevalier), le décompte des mots (150 000), etc, etc...
Voilà qui méritait bien une petite brève !

The High Kingdom is facing its darkest hour. Its King has been weakened by illness and many are discontent with the Queen’s regency. As rebellion rumbles throughout the land, new threats are massing forces at the realm’s borders.
Desperate, the King decides to free Lorn, who has spent the past year locked away on trumped-up charges in the citadel of Dalroth. Acting on the advice of a mysterious emissary of the Dragon, he dubs Lorn ‘Knight of the Onyx Throne’, making him the upholder of royal authority.
Lorn accepts the King’s mission but also hunts those responsible for his imprisonment. Reinstating the Onyx Guard, a once-powerful elite force, he intervenes in time to avert a war and becomes a new figure of hope for his people. But some take a dim view of his growing popularity and influence, and they are busy plotting his downfall.
If he foils his enemies, will he assume the role of champion that the Dragon’s Council of Emissaries have been seeking, the one capable of facing the Black Prince ? He must first confront an evil that gnaws at him ever since he was exposed to the Obscure at Dalroth, which now threatens to overwhelm him.

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