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British Fantasy Awards 2015 : les gagnants !

Par Gillossen, le dimanche 25 octobre 2015 à 19:11:14

LogoCes prix ont été remis ce week-end, à l'occasion de la FantasyCon 2015, qui se tenait cette année à Nottingham.
Comme souvent, c'est un mélange de noms connus et d'autres nettement moins.
Mais dans tous les cas, le palmarès complet est à consulter ci-dessous !

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Best anthology: Lightspeed: Women Destroy Science Fiction Special Issue, ed. Christie Yant (Lightspeed Magazine)
Best artist: Karla Ortiz
Best collection: Nick Nightmare Investigates, Adrian Cole (The Alchemy Press and Airgedlámh Publications)
Best comic/graphic novel: Through the Woods, Emily Carroll (Margaret K. McElderry Books)
Best fantasy novel (the Robert Holdstock Award): Cuckoo Song, Frances Hardinge (Macmillan Children’s Books)
Best film/television episode: Guardians of the Galaxy, James Gunn and Nicole Perlman (Marvel Studios)
Best horror novel (the August Derleth Award): No One Gets Out Alive, Adam Nevill (Macmillan)
Best independent press: Fox Spirit Books (Adele Wearing)
Best magazine/periodical: Holdfast Magazine, ed. Laurel Sills and Lucy Smee (Laurel Sills and Lucy Smee)
Best newcomer (the Sydney J. Bounds Award): Sarah Lotz, for The Three (Hodder & Stoughton)
Best non-fiction: Letters to Arkham: The Letters of Ramsey Campbell and August Derleth, 1961–1971, ed. S.T. Joshi (PS Publishing)
Best novella: Newspaper Heart, Stephen Volk (The Spectral Book of Horror Stories)
Best short story: A Woman’s Place, Emma Newman (Two Hundred and Twenty-One Baker Streets)
The Special Award (the Karl Edward Wagner Award): Juliet E. McKenna


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