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Gollancz nous donne des nouvelles de Scott Lynch

Par Gillossen, le mercredi 12 octobre 2011 à 06:44:30

CouvertureSon éditeur anglais a, cette fois, décidé de communiquer sur les retards successifs de The Republic of Thieves, troisième tome des aventures de Locke Lamora.
Il se fend ainsi tout bonnement d'un message public, confirmant au passage une date de parution pour mars 2012 et rappelant qu'il comprend toute la frustration des lecteurs, partageant leur impatience. Mais il rappelle aussi combien ces deux dernières années ont été difficiles pour l'auteur (qui souffre de dépression.)...
Ci-dessous, le message original.

We know how eagerly many of you are waiting for the publication of Scott Lynch’s third novel, The Republic of Thieves. We know how frustrating the delays have been. We know this because we share your eagerness and your frustrations. But as you may know Scott has had a very difficult couple of years and consequently the novel has been delayed. Several times. If you knew the circumstances for these delays I’m sure you’d understand why we have had to wait for the book. We’re now waiting for final delivery of the manuscript and are hoping to publish the book in March of 2012. The moment we have final delivery we will confirm a publication date.
No-one is more eager to see this book published than Scott or myself. The delays have been forced on us. The moment we can put those behind us we will let you know and then we can all start counting the days to publication. Locke Lamora will return.

Simon Spanton,
Deputy Publishing Director, Gollancz

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